Cosmetology Vs. Barber College: What's The Difference?


It takes approximately the same amount of time to complete a barber course as it does to complete a cosmetology course. Both can be completed in about one year. Additionally, you must pass a state test and obtain a license from your state in order to work in a salon or barber shop. Since both choices require the same type of commitment, you may wonder why you should choose one over the other. Following are just a few things that set each career path apart. 

Course Curriculum

Although you will likely have to go to school for the same amount of time regardless of which type college you choose, the course curriculum covered in barber college varies greatly from that covered in cosmetology school. Barber college focuses primarily on cutting hair and delves deep into clipper cuts, shaving and razor techniques. You will learn a little about hair color and perms but won't spend a great deal of time on it. A cosmetology program teaches cutting, color, perms, hairstyling, skin care, makeup and nails. Since so many subjects are covered in a cosmetology program, you will not learn as much detailed information about hair cutting. 

Licensing Considerations

Cosmetology and barber licenses are separate licenses that are issued and governed by separate state boards. The career path you choose will dictate where and how you can work. While laws vary at the state level, most states encourage cosmetologists to work in salons and barbers to work in barber shops. However, it's usually possible for someone holding a barber license to work in a salon and someone with a cosmetology license to work in a barber shop, provided certain criteria is met. In Florida, for example, a barber can work in a salon if a licensed cosmetologist is present. 

Work Opportunities

Once licensed, barbers and cosmetologists are presented with very different work opportunities. Barbers are licensed to cut hair, shave and perform some chemical services. In some states, cosmetologists are not allowed to shave their patrons. However, they can perform facials, manicures and massages whereas licensed barbers cannot. 

Since these seemingly parallel career paths have so many marked differences, it's important for you to consider your goals before deciding on a program. If you want to create intricate, artistic clipper cuts for men, you will probably want to go to barber school. If you want to eventually work as a master colorist, you may want to consider cosmetology school since you will learn more about color in that program. 


11 January 2016

What Can You Learn at a Trade School?

Hi. This is Amber, and I am here to tell you all about trade schools and the possibilities they offer. A trade school can be an amazing boost into an exciting and rewarding career. You might be surprised to learn about the skills you can aquire by attending a trade school. My blog will go through the possibilities and explain what the training for each job involves as well as what being on the job in each trade will mean to you. Find out how you can use trade school to get control of your future and start the career you want.